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7 rue Cazemajour 40000 Mont-de-Marsan - France
+33 (0)5 58 51 09 57


B.U.T 6

The benchmark brand in Europe for efficiency in meat production.

Superior live weight and viability make this strain perfectly suited for value-added processed products. Developed over many generations, the B.U.T. 6 is the European standard for meat production efficiency and reproductive performance.


Age (week) Live weight (kg) I.C Cumulative Daily food consumption
20 20.5 2.45 606


Age (week) Live weight (kg) I.C Cumulative Daily food consumption
16 10.79 2.44 416

B.U.T Prémium

The Premium is the product of choice for companies looking for a super medium strain that is easy to manage and offers the best compromise between performance and production cost.

Thanks to its live weight, ease of handling, good consumption index, high meat yields and superior viability, it offers the best economic return on the market.


Age (week) Live weight (kg) I.C Cumulative Daily food consumption
20 21.5 2.41 641


Age (week) Live weight (kg) I.C Cumulative Daily food consumption
15 10.45 2.34 429
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